The Sound of Consolation

The Sound of Consolation
Because of the coronavirus, people all over the world are under great stress and anxiety. I hope that my work can give everyone a little consolation in this encounter. This "instrument" can make a "ding jingle" soft sound. This kind of river-like sound can makes people calm down. I put my musical instrument in the park nearby the community, hoping to bring peace to more people.
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Basically, my idea was about to bring consolation to people, and helped people get rid of pressure and anxiety。I hope the sound of metal pipes of the musical instrument will make people think of the sound of the river, so as to get calm. I recorded the audio piece on a rainy morning. my intention to study how my musical instruments  interact with society and the nature and eventually become "symphony". I want to use metal pipes to simulate the sound of rivers because I want to continue my research on the providence river. I chose wood as the overall frame because I wanted to make the instrument closer to nature. The line of bundled metal pipes mimics a waterfall.

  • Consolation - Slow Motion 00:00

The result turns out pretty good. but the material was so limited. if i can freely choose the material, i probably would use transparent fishing strings instead of red strings. red strings tend to be unnatural compared to the surrounding.
